The new stadium is beautiful, open and airy. Don't get me wrong, it's no Ballpark. But I liked it. Somehow, we managed to stay in our seats the entire game without getting rained on once. Mother Nature's finally rewarding me for all the recycling I do. Even better, the Rangers won!
Our seats were amazing.
We decided that with me having been drenched and Jordan being sick, we were okay with our faces being dark in this one. You didn't really need to see us.
This Jumbotron was insane. If you looked at the field after looking at the screen, it made the actual game look like you'd switched to a non-HD channel.
I was so ready to get back home but thought it would be a long ride. It took 40 minutes to go from A (Yankee Stadium) to B (my apartment).
I love express trains.
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